App Uninstaller 6.3

Preview of installed applications and remove files to complete uninstallation service.
App Cleaner: the best application to remove applications, service files on Mac OS X and uninstall applications *.

  1. App Uninstaller 6.3 Software
  2. Best Mac App Uninstaller
  3. App Uninstaller 6.3 Free

Delete files application service. Make sure you do not consume valuable space on your Mac with this handy application that does the work for you. Disable unnecessary startup items in to start Mac faster. PRO features even eliminate system extensions.

Main earned value: speed up your Mac as follows:

App Uninstaller 6.3 Software

  • delete application files that take performance resources
  • remove traces of applications simply placed in the Trash
  • manage all types of service files (caches, logs, preferences, etc.)
  • remove unnecessary system extensions
  • remove items login and disable startup programs

Main advantage: App Cleaner removes debris (or leftovers): files previously deleted applications.
Therefore, you uninstall applications completely.

Odysseus, App Uninstaller v.5.3 does not have any extra feature compared to App Cleaner 51. The only thing is changed in App Uninstaller 5.3 compared to 5.1 is renamed section 'Installations' to 'Installation Files' on the Extensions tab. App Uninstaller 6.3 – Uninstall applications on a Mac completely App Uninstaller K'ed Utilities. App Uninstaller is a utility used to uninstall. App Uninstaller 6.3 – Uninstall applications on a Mac completely. App Uninstaller is a utility used to uninstall applications completely. This app allows you to remove all the system files that are left after simply dragging apps to the Trash.

Best Mac App Uninstaller

Mainmenu pro. Main features:

  • Scan your system and get a preview of installed applications
  • Remove all file types Service
  • Remove traces of previously uninstalled applications
  • Restore the application to a state of first release
  • Preview release agents and system daemons
  • Preview startup items
  • Disable agents start and logon items
  • Search and preview of installed system extensions
  • Removing system extensions
  • easy to use shortcuts
  • Any file or application quick preview
  • Preview of specific file formats associated with the application
  • Relief assistance in the application
  • Show unused applications
  • Ignore list option

How to uninstall an application using App Cleaner:

  1. Start App Cleaner.
  2. Scan all applications to search files service.
  3. Choose unnecessary application (left view). Purchase is required in the application.
  4. Select all ‘service files on the right view.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. If some applications are not eliminated because access rights, switch to Finder and manually move them to the Trash *.

App Uninstaller 6.3 Free

* Some applications can not be deleted because they require administrator privileges. In this case, switch to the Finder and delete the application file as usual.

PRO mode required for:

  • Remove applications executable portion
  • Removing system extensions
  • Disable ads

What’s new


* Improved and optimized for the latest MacOS.
French, German, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish * support for the following languages were added.
* Search programs and their elimination was improved, including its service files and versions of previously deleted programs.
* An option to specify the folders where the program was added.
* Support for folders in the list jumps added.
* Added the ability to search and delete aliases programs.
* Improves display general statistics for installed programs.
* Improved the overall quality of the program and interaction with the user.

  • CAN NOT DOWNLOAD: Some probably encounter the following error: This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. In this case, please use Google DNS and you will get rid of trouble.
  • If downloaded file can not be extracted (file corrupted..), please make sure you have downloaded the file completely and don't use Winzip, it sucks! We would recommend using The Unarchiver.
  • By reason, the App does not work and can not be opened. Mostly, just Disable the Gatekeeper, and you get rid of troubles.